January - Easter 2025 Programme:
Good News: The Gospel from Genesis to Revelation
Tuesday 11th February
Health and Wholeness and Healing (Session 1)
Tuesday 18th February
Half Term
Tuesday 25th February
The Law of Moses
Deuteronomy 6:1-25
Tuesday 4th March
The Power of Sin
Romans 3:9-20
Tuesday 11th March
The Gift of Righteousness
Romans 3:21-31
Tuesday 18th March
Transformed by the Spirit
2 Corinthians 3:17-18
Tuesday 25th March
Health and Wholeness and Healing (Session 2)
Tuesday 1st April
The Resurrection
1 Corinthians 15:1-33
Tuesday 8th April
Heaven on Earth
Revelation 21:1-8
Tuesday 15 April
Easter Praise