We want to make sure our services and activities – and especially reading and hearing the Word of God – are as accessible to as many in the community as possible.
This is a summary of what is currently in place:
Bibles available to read during meetings, available in both large and giant print,
free Bible to take away, also in large print,
Bible-reading notes in large print can be sent directly to you,
all hymns and songs are projected; hymn and song books are also available at the door as you enter, both also in large print,
dyslexia-friendly editions of several books of the Bible are available and new books are added as they are published,
this website can be magnified up to 300%,
changing area for babies and young children,
if you have children with additional needs, we will do our best to support and help where we can,
step-free access from the pavement outside the building to the hall and main rooms; this includes all fire exits,
large accessible toilet off the entrance foyer, with space for wheelchair and carer assistance,
hearing loop,
amplification of all main meetings.
If you need information in a different format, please contact us.
If you have any questions about access and support, please get in touch using the contact us page.
Paul Linnell, 06/06/2020